Summary Plan Descriptions (SPDs)
The PSC-CUNY Welfare Fund provides plan participants with specific written information about how their plan works. One of the most important of these documents is called a summary plan description, or SPD. The Welfare Fund maintains SPDs for both full-time active and retired participants. Each SPD provides details about many topics related to the plan, such as eligibility requirements, how benefits are paid, how to file claims, procedures for disputing denied claims and the rights of participants.
Summary Plan Description for Full-Time Actives
Summary Plan Description for Retirees
Summary Plan Description for Adjuncts
To comply with the Affordable Care Act, health plans, including our Welfare Fund, must provide members with a “Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC).” Regulations strictly determine the format of the SBC, which is intended to present a basic health program’s full range of covered services (medical, hospital, etc.). We feel that the SBC is more appropriate to describing basic health insurance and that a better-suited guide to your Welfare Fund coverage is our own Summary Plan Description (SPD), above.
SBC for Active Members and Non-Medicare Eligible Retirees